Monday, March 28, 2011
Sermon and panel discussion about our partnerships with three special churches in the Central African Republic. Pastor Gary's message includes input from Jennie Underwood, David Lang, and Billie Lang.
Jesus, on the Future...
In Mark 13, we find Jesus' longest recorded teaching moment in the Gospel of Mark. Jesus talks about the future and when the world will end. Can we really know? What are we supposed to know?
Jesus, on what really matters...
What's most important to God? Pastor Gary gives a message about Jesus and the Greatest Commandment - to love God and to love people with our best effort!
Faith, Anger, and Figs
Pastor Gary continues our series on the life of Jesus with a story about the withering fig tree and a moment when Jesus releases some righteous anger...
Looking Good, but No fruit?
Grace welcomes Tom Burns, who gives a message about faith on the inside which should be proven in faith that is visible and fruitful..
What do you want from Jesus? (Dr. Tiberius Rata)
Grace welcomes Dr. Tiberius Rata from Grace College & Theological Seminary, who joins us for a specific and pointed conversation about what we really want from Jesus in life...
BE the CHURCH - Serve!
Pastor Gary's January 30 sermon about our opportunity to SERVE Christ and each other as part of the Church!
Teacher: Faith Like a Child
From February 6, 2011 - Pastor Gary's sermon about Jesus welcoming children and the huge privilege we have to be children of God!
Thursday, February 03, 2011
BE the CHURCH - Grow!
From the beginning of your life, you have been growing in many different ways. When you begin your spiritual journey with Jesus Christ, it's like starting life all over again. Same thing - we grow in our faith in different ways. Ephesians 4 talks about how all of God's people grow together to become His church - as it is meant to be! Check out part 2 of our "Be the Church" series by Pastor Gary Underwood.
BE the CHURCH - Connect!
What should the church be like? Why? What does God want from His people? 1 Corinthians 12 is a chapter that describes God's church as very similar to a human body, where different parts are connected for the greater good. Listen to part 1 (of 3) in our "Be the Church" series by Pastor Gary Underwood.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Greater Than: Jesus is Greater Than Me
Pastor Gary Underwood kicks off 2011 with a call to discipleship - to live a life where Jesus is truly in charge of your life and calling the shots. (From January 2, 2011 - Matthew 8)
Greater Than: Jesus is Greater than You
Pastor Dave Pacheco's sermon about "Jesus is Greater Than You" - He deserves highest priority in our lives!