Sermons @ Delaware Grace!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Build Your House (3) - Marriage - What about Husbands?

Pastor Gary's sermon on Sunday, April 25, 2010 looks at God's definition and direction for husbands.  A great husband loves his wife like Jesus Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her. 

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Build Your House (2) - Let God Do It! (Psalm 23)

God is willing to be the foundation for your marriage, family, and future - will you trust Him?  Pastor Gary Underwood takes us deeper into that most-memorable chapter, the 23rd Psalm. 

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Build Your House (1) - Get Started (Psalm 1)

How do you build a family?  How do you make sure that your relationships and all of your "house" has a strong foundation?  Pastor Gary Underwood starts our series on Faith and Family with challenge to find our strength and guidance from God's Word - Psalm 1:1-6.

Jesus Speaks: Make a Choice (EASTER 2010)

Pastor Gary Underwood's Easter Sunday sermon on Matthew 7 - the life of Jesus calls all of us to a choice.  Jesus gives three pictures or "visions" of that choice in Matthew 7 as He ends the Sermon on the Mount.